Monday, 19 October 2009

High Performance Link Building with LinkPulse

High Performance Link Building with LinkPulse

Linking is an incredibly powerful and influential component of SEO. So much so that some sites can rank on page 1 for competitive terms based almost entirely on their links, and with little to do with their content. LinkPulse™ is designed to help you leverage this link advantage to gain higher rankings.

An example of how powerful linking really is:

Search for the term ‘click here’ in Google, and you will find the 'Adobe Acrobat' download page as the number 1 result, even though when you look closely, the page doesn't mention the phrase 'click here' or the words once. (You can see for yourself here.)

The reason this page ranks like it does, even though its content defies SEO convention, is because Google's ranking algorithm is highly sensitive to links and what those links say. All over the web, where you find downloadable PDF's, you will almost always find a note saying something like..."This document requires Adobe Acrobat Reader. To download it, click here", invariably with the words 'click here' in the link, pointing to the download page for the software.

Consequently, search engine's assumptions, are that based on the sheer volume of sites around the www that link to this page through the words ‘click here’, this page must be the most relevant page for that term, and so it ranks number one. This illustrates the enormous emphasis search engines place, on a site' incoming links and their associated ‘anchor text’, and underscores why linking needs to be an absolutely critical part of your SEO programme.

With linking being such a powerful and in some cases overriding component in getting ranked, SomerMedia offers a dedicated division of specialist SEO consultants, marketing execs and content developers able to deliver a broad spectrum of linking techniques to help our clients grow their inbound links.

A blended approach to link building

Our aim is to build a portfolio of link building techniques into a programme to support your specific keyword ranking and timing objectives whilst delivering a robust, scalable and future proof solution. To this end we provide consulting, development and direct contact and negotiation services to drive and secure link placements across the web and specifically themed within your vertical and geo

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